Microangelo Motif Files: Motif files are for use on systems with Microangelo Engineer installed. If you do not have Microangelo Engineer, you will not be able to use a motif file. The Microangelo Motif file is a small file which is compiled using Microangelo Engineer. Using motif files, you are able to make changes to icons and cursors that go beyond what a standard theme can handle. They provide for a much more complete looking theme than can be achieved with just Desktop Themes control panels. The downside is that it is a two step process installing the theme, and a slightly more involved process restoring your system's defaults. (Restoring is covered in more detail below.) For more information about Microangelo, or to download a copy so that you can use motif based themes, visit the Microangelo website. Microangelo v2.1 Produced by Impact Software http://www.impactsoft.com ----------------------------- Theme Installation ----------------------------- INSTALLING THE BASIC THEME: The same applies here as with any other standard theme. Open the "_Wot Readme.txt" file for instructions if you don't know how to do this part. You should install the standard theme (either the 95 or 98 version) before activating the motif components. INSTALLING THE MOTIF: To install the icons which have been compiled into this motif file, simply double click on the "Wot.motif" file to open it. Click the "Apply" button in the lower right corner to change the standard icons. (You may wish to browse through the tabs at the top of the motif application window to see exactly which icons will be changed before applying the settings.) REMOVE SHELL ICONS: To remove and replace your default shell icons is just as simple but does require a few more clicks. Double click on the "Wot.motif" file to open it again. Click on the "Use Default" button next to each item on the list you wish to restore. Once you are finished modifying the list, click on the "Apply" button in the lower right corner to change the shell icons back to your original settings. -- If you find that you change between themes frequently, and are using several motif based themes, you might want to consider making a "default" motif that changes everything back to the Windows default icons. It's only a psuedo-default since Microangelo will make a copy of all the default icons and save it with the motif file that you create, but it is a quick way of getting back to a standard looking desktop. NOTE: It is a good idea to rebuild the icon cache once you have made any changes to Windows 95 shell icon associations. Use the menu at the top of the motif file window to click on "File" then "Rebuild Icon Cache". If you do not do this, some systems may reset the shell icons back to the previous settings when the system is rebooted.